Me Made May

Me_made_MayI’ve been posting on Instagram (@gretalynknits) about #slowfashion and #yearofmaking, but I haven’t gotten involved in the #memademay posts other than to follow along with the amazing makers who are brave enough to post pictures of themselves in their self made wardrobes.

I’ve been wearing the FindYourFade shawl nonstop since I finished it, and am so happy with it! There are yarns from Lake Tahoe, North Carolina, Washington State, and California in the mix, and I feel comforted and loved by this shawl, in both the knitting and wearing of it.

My Me Made May projects will take on an entirely new focus after tomorrow. I’m going in for breast cancer surgery which will alter my body shape substantially. I feel fine, and had absolutely no symptoms, so I expect to be home Friday evening and plan on a speedy recovery. I am fully confident in my surgical team and have a good support network. I plan to craft my post surgery wardrobe with comfort and convenience in mind, given the absolute lack of ready to wear options.

Thank you for your continued friendship and support during my surgery and recovery. I have no idea what I will need in the coming months, but as most of you know, I am reluctant to ask for help. To that end, I intend to get better at resting and self-care, and whatever else is deemed necessary for a full recovery to an active lifestyle.

All blessings to you and yours, as always,



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